
Summer Lemonade
(and Thrifting)

What is it that makes Lemonade so lovely in the Summer sunshine?
I used our bistro table to set up this little side table next to the table we have under the apple tree. It is a nice shaded little area in our yard, cool and relaxing.

I have wanted to put together a little place for lemonade for some time, when I stumbled across this lemonade dispensing pitcher (still with the tag on the bottom of it), second hand from goodwill. It was marked $12.99, but it had a blue tag, and on that day the blue tags were only $1.29. I cannot tell you how quickly (and gently) this went into my cart!

Then nearly a day later I stumbled across these adorable cups from the dollar tree. I was so thrilled.

A nice treat for summer. And a pleasant place for the family in the sunshine.

Happy Summer!


L'Heure Bleue At Home said...

The lemonade dispenser is adorable. What an amazing find. You are so lucky!

Lynn said...

Very cute, love the pretty dispenser-enjoy:@)

Doris said...

Talk about being at the right place at the right time. What a find!

Anonymous said...

I love that dispenser! What an awesome find! They never have anything nice at our thrift stores :(

I like the idea of sitting on the porch drinking lemonade or ice tea. But it's been 90-100 degrees around here PA! We're not used to that and I dare say we do not care for it ;)

Grammy Goodwill said...

Great bargains. I love the lemonade dispenser and the cups, too.

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I love your great find for your Lemonde dispenser !!! You are so lucky sweet lady. I hope you have a great weekend keep cool.
XXOO Diane

Marlis said...

Love your Lemonade dispenser. Such a great find. Especially with the cups.. Some things are just meant to be. Pretty tablecloth too. xo marlis

Lily said...

It's been a very hot day today & this post just makes want to make fresh lemonade :) Thank you very much for your comments on Christmas Believe. I have added a new link to your Christmas party. Hope you are having a great weekend.


Pam Kessler said...

Great find. Goodwill was good to you that day!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

You never know what you'll find at the GW! LOVE the lemons on your table -- This looks so refreshing -- I really like those Dollar Tree glasses too -- perfect!

Beth said...

Love your beverage server, Jessa Irene! Those tumblers are adorable too. What a cute setting for a glass of lemonade. Like your tea cups with cupcakes, too, and no, I wouldn't bake in my Old Country Roses china either!
Hugs, Beth

Dorothy said...

Jessa, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments! I enjoy reading my comments from others!

What a compliment those lemonade cups were for the pitcher! Don't you just love when those little unexpected finds just happen your way! I do! It all looks so refreshing under your tree! Have a good week.

Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

Ooooh, lucky you! That is my kind of frugal, too -- and it makes such a refreshing table!

Wendy@~Chez~La~De~da~ said...

My Goodwill is mostly or two shelves of household...NEVER would I score a find like this!!! Ttotal awesomenessness (is that a word?) I have the same glasses, but now I have to wait for the perfect way to serve the lemonade :( ~giggle~ you out did me lol!


Judi said...

I adore that wonderful lemonade lucky you were to find it. The glasses go perfectly with it and I'd love to be there enjoying some lemonade at your table stand. Pretty.
thank you for sharing and have a great day.

Anonymous said...

What a super buy on that lovely lemonade dispenser! Your little refreshment table is adorable. Love those lemonade glasses; they match perfectly.

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